Measuring Turfgrass
Sod Installation and Aftercare
Measuring Turfgrass
How to Determine the Size of Your Lawn

Depending on the size and shape of your property it may only take 30 to 60 minutes to measure the amount of turfgrass you need. It is time well spent.
Recommended Tools
- Measuring Tape
- Pencil
- Paper (graph paper)
- Calculator
Additional Suggestions
Be sure to measure carefully. Double check your measurements. Always round up or add about 5 to 10 percent extra to make sure you have enough turfgrass for angles and cuts! Better to have a few extra square feet/meters of turfgrass than to run out before you finish the installation.

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Our Colorado-based sod farm serves more than just the Colorado front range!
Our sod services spread into Wyoming, South Dakota, New Mexico and more.
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