Can You Install Sod During the Winter?

Seasonal Guide

Can You Install Sod During the Winter?

The answer is yes!  You are able to install sod anytime of the year!

Cool season turfgrasses from Korby Sod can be installed year round! They are more accustomed to cool weather and can tolerate being planted in the middle of winter. Care is simple and you MAY need to water.

You MUST follow proper installation and care instructions for the time of the year.

Visit our website at for more information or to place an order.


Can You Install Sod During the Winter? 2You can install sod in the winter to prevent mud and erosion. When spring arrives, the grass will green up and flourish. We cut fresh sod throughout the year when the ground is not covered in snow and it is warm enough to cut (above 45º Fahrenheit).

When installing sod in the winter, it is in dormancy. It is the grass’ way of “hibernating” until the weather warms. Just like animals, this does not mean the sod will “sleep” throughout the winter… especially in Colorado’s and Wyoming’s varying weather! When the temperature becomes warm, the top layers of the soil will come alive and grow, albeit slowly.

You MUST monitor and water the newly installed sod throughout the winter!

Can You Install Sod During the Winter? 3Can sod be installed on frozen ground?  Yes, sod can be safely installed on frozen ground as long as the soil was prepared properly prior to freezing (rototilled and raked smooth) or you are able to perform a soil prep.

Do not leave sod pallets outside overnight. Sod left outside overnight might freeze in cold weather! This does not harm the sod, but might make it hard to unroll. It is best to install the same day you receive it, or at least tarp the unused sod to prevent the cold wind from freezing it.  

Can You Install Sod During the Winter? 4It’s important to water the sod immediately after installation for about 15 minutes. Schedule watering at mid-day so the sod can absorb it well before the water freezes.  Only water if the air temperature is above 45º Fahrenheit. 

Don’t worry about watering if the temperature is below 32 degrees. The cool temperature and frequent precipitation will keep your turf moist. Depending on the frequency of snow, you may water once or twice every month during the winter season. Don’t forget to remove the hose from your spigot.

Ensure that all parts of your lawn are receiving equal amounts of water. Pay attention to the edges and corners because those parts are easily missed. Areas near buildings also tend to dry faster; thus may need more water.


Call or Text our office if you have any questions regarding winter installing or watering!  

We Serve More Than Just Colorado

Our Colorado-based sod farm serves more than just the Colorado front range!
Our sod services spread into Wyoming, South Dakota, New Mexico and more.

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Denver: (720) 262-3818 (Phone or Text)
Toll Free: (844) 285-5606.

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